My journey has brought me on so many unexpected twists and turns, but it’s always been leading me closer to the heart of truth. Today, on Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day, it feels appropriate to dive into the subject of the rise of the divine feminine and her rebirth into our collective consciousness. In truth, my […]


How a simple personal reflection exercise helped me reconnect and appreciate myself and my journey – and 10 (Mostly) Fun Facts About Me!


Trust is a funny thing. Trust is a fragile thing. It can take a while to build and be broken in an instant. Rebuilding trust is often a challenging thing. And it’s one of those things that shows up in life over and over again – in relationships, in business, and in virtually every important matter […]


Dear Universe Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for this day, thank you for this life. Thank you for everything – all of it.  Today is September 27, my one year ‘cancerversary’ of my remission scan – my re-birthday. Which means my second birthday this month! One year in the clear […]


this art called life

planet earth