shift your relationship with abundance, wealth, prosperity, and your worth so you can create the life of your Dreams and Heart's Desires
Co-Create Heaven on Earth

AUGUST 8, 2024, 3pmEST
AUGUST 28, 2024 3pmEST
SEPTEMBER 11, 2024, 3pmEST

Replay will be sent out shortly after each ceremony if you can't join live and to return to the Activation whenever you wish,


Next Live Ceremony....

We will work with the emerald Ray of Healing and Abundance and the heart chakra to activate the Emerald Crystal Heart within and heal worthiness wounds and anchor the flow of abundance

This is the journey of following the yellow brick road paved in pure
Gold to the Emerald City that lies within

Ceremony Details

Holy Trinity Heart Codes

White Diamond Frequencies, Royal codes, and Infinity Flow are amplifying for us to connect with during this potent Gateway of Higher Self Embodiment, Manifestation, and Co-Creation

After attuning to the ancient wisdom and energetics of this year's 888 Holy Trinity Infinity Gateway, we will work with Emerald and White Diamond frequencies on a powerful journey to clear blocks to abundance and activate the higher frequency keys to allow life source to flow through your energy centers. Working with the healing Emerald Ray, we will call in healing energy to allow your Emerald Diamond heart to blossom open and fully receive. A White Diamond Wealth Code Activation will awaken your unique sacred blueprint of Spiritual Abundance and Prosperity Codes. 

On 8/22, the Sun aligns with Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, amplifying our connection with the Royal Heart and the frequency of the Divine Masculine and opening True Lion's Gate through the 27th. Joined by the Great White Lions of Christos Sophia consciousness, we will discuss new science that shows the heart is literally designed as a physical portal, the power of heart coherence, and the connection with the Cosmic Heart. 

On 9/11, we will celebrate the Birth of Christ Consciousness, and attune to the powerful numerological  energetics of the date. We will discuss the biology of ascension and embodiment of Christ Consciousness, and Yeshua will join us for a powerful activation to become a walking embodiment of Christ Consciousness, a Wayshower for New Earth Consciousness and Leadership.

Many potent and powerful guides and energies have presented themselves to facilitate this journey for your ultimate liberation and expansion. 

This 3 part series was downloaded to me leading up to the 888 Holy Trinity Infinity Gateway, showing me a series of three powerful dates to activate the Holy Trinity Heart Codes Within:

888 Emerald Heart Healing and White Diamond Wealth Activation with the
Holy Mother
8/28 Cosmic Grace: The Heart of the Lion with the
Holy Father
9/11 Reborn: BEarth of the Krystal Holy Child

Part II of the Cosmic Grace Series, we will connect with the Divine Masculine Holy Father Principle to activate the Heart of the Lion within to have courage to step forward embodied in your leadership.

8/22 is the Galactic Lion's Gate, when the Sun and Regulus – the Heart of the Lion – and the Heart of Lyra align as Sirius conjuncts Rigel of Orion, opening a cosmic gateway to open and amplify the Sacred Blueprint held within your Heart which closes on 8/27, when we meet as the energies climax in alignment with the end of Mercury Retrograde, ushering us into a new energy.

We will be joined by the Great White Lions and Christos Sophia consciousness

As we open our hearts, we will work with the solar plexus and Root chakra energies to anchor in the inner masculine energetics of inner power, authority, safety, and stability.

Rigel amplifies action-taking in alignment with our spiritual destiny, making this a potent gateway to embody your inner leader and take action on your vision and destiny.

Options: Ceremony Only, or get Complimentary Access Plus Epic Magic!

888 Ceremony Replay Only:

Access to All Three Ceremonies:

Receive it all

Lion's Gate 888

To pay with PayPal, send payment to:

Reborn: BEarth of the Krystal Holy Child

Cosmic Heart of the Lion Only:

Holy Child

Gain access to Cosmic Grace plus a full year of Ceremonies and Masterclasses plus a bounty of bonuses:

INNER Temple

Cosmic Heart

Access all of the above for free when you enroll in soul gold
We begin September 23

Amanda is an Illuminator, Self-Mastery Catalyst, Intuitive Soul Guide and Priestess of the Rose in service to the path of Love. In 2016, with two psychology degrees and 3 yoga teacher trainings already under her belt, she was diagnosed with cancer, and very early on she intuitively knew it was an awakening of some kind, though with limited spiritual inclination until then, and her path has guided her deeper and deeper into the heart of Truth.

Illuminate is the ultimate vision and culmination of a long journey of healing back to wholeness and embodying the Soul Codes of Leadership held within. From nervous system regulation to trauma work, Soul Wealth and Abundance Codes Activations, shamanic work, Akashic records and energy healing trainings, and devotion to the Priestess Path, Amanda Sahrai uniquely blends a wealth of wisdom and high level of activation into her guidance.

Guided by feathers and roses, her Soul lead her to the Priestess Path that eventually through a series of synchronicities took her to Sacred Sites and Planetary Vortexes around the globe, receiving soul code activations along the way, preparing her for this time of mass transition and Planetary Awakening and Shift in Consciousness. 


The old earth based in fear and scarcity is being stripped away of the illusions of scarcity and limitation so that we can access the treasure chest buried deep within. 

To build anew, and create a New Golden Age of Miracles

The world needs embodied leaders holding the frequencies of higher consciousness and bridging the transition through a deep remembrance of our connection to our ancient wisdom as we ascend in consciousness and frequency in a manner that has never before happened.

You are here for a reason.   

Meet Your Guide, Amanda Erin Kelly


Insert amazing review here:



Over the past several months, my journey alongside Amanda has been truly extraordinary. It's remarkable to reflect upon the profound transformation and expansion I've experienced during this time, leaving me overwhelmed with a deep sense of gratitude. Amanda's mentorship has been a breath of fresh air, completely free from hierarchical constraints. Instead, it has flourished organically, aligning perfectly with my personal growth journey. Her vast reservoir of wisdom, acquired through years of dedicated research and extensive travels, serves as a perpetual wellspring of inspiration and enlightenment.

Additionally, her deepest knowings, channeled messages, and intuitions have further enriched my experience. Through working with Amanda, all these abilities have been awakened within me, resulting in significant breakthroughs in uncovering my unique purpose, acknowledging my worthiness, and stepping into my divine power. There is still much work ahead but I have no doubt that she will be graciously by my side me, assisting me through.

What sets Amanda apart is her remarkable ability to lead divinely activating inner journeys. These explorations within the depths of myself have been profoundly transformative and stunningly beautiful. Through her guidance, Amanda not only ignited my creative spirit but also nurtured its expansion beyond my wildest imagination.


Alex B.


Crystal A.

I had such an amazing and profound experience in Amanda’s course. I had a huge release during the duration of the week and felt the energy working through me on so many levels. I’m still processing the experience over a week later. 

I am so grateful for the experience to be transported to ancient lands and receive ancient mystery gifts✨🙏🏻🌹

i had a huge release

Patrick F.
conscious business coach

Amanda's course is amazing. The knowledge and wisdom included in this course is worth the investment alone, but here meditations are magical and what help you embody the new abundance energies in your body. I am to noticing energies unlock in me that I haven’t seen before. They feel like flow. They feel like ease. From taking the 8 Keys, it feels like a new chapter where I get to create a life I love from grace and abundance. Would recommend for anyone that is feeling stuck and like they are energetically blocked to step into their power.

it feels like a new chapter

Soul shares from Past containers

Angela S.
Reiki Energy Worker

I trust you more than any Reiki master I've ever had. And I have MAJOR trust issues. You're the teacher that showed up for me when I needed you. Thank you!!

I Trust you more than anyone


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