Enter the Realm of Infinite Possibilities &


heal back to wholeness

embody Your Soul's Highest Potential 
Liberate your Divine Prosperity



the missing key that unlocks the treasure chest within

✔ Weekly Live calls with open Q&A to guide and support you in your journey

✔ 12 Modules of Pre-recorded Deep-Dive content with 60+ lessons, tools, meditations, activations, and embodiment practices to help you release wounds and trauma patterns, shift your energy, and transform like a caterpillar emerging into the world as a butterfly. 

Lifetime access to the content, tools, and practices

✔  Complimentary Access to all courses, activations, and content inside Illumina Wisdom School, the Illumina Inner Temple Sacred Year Membership, and Elevate

It's time to
Activate Your Highest Potential &
Embody Your Higher Self

Click Here to View Modules Details Below

You've seen the bigger picture and can almost the sweet bliss of freedom, love, joy, and abundance, yet can't seem to sustain your flow and keep falling out of it

You feel like you keep spinning your wheels and don't seem to be able to gain momentum or stop playing small

You've shut your voice down and dimmed your light for fear of being ostracized

You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, and drained, and can't seem to find time for yourself

You feel stuck and stifled

You know you are here for a reason but are afraid you might just not have what it takes to make it happen, or finally 'get there'

You’re worried time is running out but you feel there must be something more

You feel like you're missing something and you can't figure out what it is...

But "getting there" has felt like an uphill battle

You have BIG Visions and Magic you want to Create, a soul mission to fulfill and a
heart-centered purpose to serve


I'm honored to share the bliss and freedom that Emerge from going through the hero's journey that is the cocoon of transformation.
The liberation that comes from true integration.

The magic that results from alchemizing your shadows to unlock your inner wisdom and innate gifts

Heal Back to Wholeness 
Ignite the Light and Power Within 
Transcend Limitation
Activate Abundance
Rebearth into Radiance
Reclaim your Divine Inheritance

This is an Initiation 
A Trauma-Informed
Journey of Self-Mastery into Wholeness

Alchemize Adversity into Beauty
Transform Suffering into Grace and Ease

Create a whole New Way of BEing. 
Integrated. Whole. At Peace. 
With a profound sense of Trust in Life 
Embracing the journey unfolding ahead of us. 
EMERGING as the most Beautiful, Brilliant, Liberated, ABUNDANT version of yourself

After healing from cancer, debilitating chronic insomnia, ongoing gut issues, adrenal fatigue, chronic stress, anxiety, bouts of depression, and feeling lost, stuck, isolated, alone, and disconnected, in lack and scarcity,

After years of seeking and searching and trial and error and failing and falling forward and bouncing back… 
I have finally come back home to my body, aligned with my soul truth and higher purpose, 

I finally know how it feels to be fully embodied in my wholeness, in the flow of magic and abundance.
And now I've been guided to share all that I've learned with others on this journey of liberation.

For so long though, the dream of fulfillment and abundance felt so close, yet just out of reach. I was doing all the right things, or so I thought. Psychology degrees. Yoga Trainings. 
A promising, fulfilling (at face value) career trajectory. 
Vegetarian. Active. Avid Traveler.
Then I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 30. I was the ‘healthiest’ person in the family – in fact the healthiest person many people knew. A fit hot power yogi who could do a handstand and touch her toes to her head at the same time. It made no sense.

i totally get it. 

It cracked me open, ignited my fire and fueled my transformation.

Things continued to break down, but each time something else even better slid in to fill up the space even more beautifully.

Life began to open up for me in the most unexpected of ways, at the most unexpected time. The more I trusted and surrendered, the more life expanded. 

Beautiful synchronicities began flowing into my life. 
I realized it was life’s little way of nudging me in the direction of expansion… 
toward abundance, joy, bliss, freedom, and love.
My journey has been long. I went through many tests and trials to arrive where I am now. To gain the perspective that I have. To realize that going it alone is the loneliest, longest, and most difficult road.
I deepened into my spirituality. 
I found my community.
I embarked on a true soul journey, trusting the roses, feathers and signs that guided me.
I dove into the shadow work. 
I began to remember.
I claimed my soul truth and cultivated my soul gifts.
I began to embrace my connection with ancient wisdom teachings.
Finally, I have come to a place of integration, wholeness, and embodiment. I know my journey will continue to deepen, I'm here to guide others

unlock your inner wealth

Immediate Access to everything inside Illumina Wisdom School, including 10 additional courses and a vault of activations and masterclasses 

Bonus Three

Bonus Two

Access to the Body Temple Blueprint

Bonus One

The Bonuses

A Full Year of Live Weekly calls with open Q&A and spot coaching to guide and support you in your journey

12 Modules of Deep-Dive content to help you shift your energy and transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly (Lifetime access!)

Meditations, Activations and Embodiment practices and rituals to integrate and align (Lifetime access!)

Private community space for connection and support, plus lifetime access to the content, replays, and open community

Our TIME Together Will Include:

YES! I'm Ready

PIF Bonus 1-1 Life Inventory with Higher Self Activation

Elevate your frequency to become a vibrational match for abundance 

Integrate polarity and heal separation to return to your natural state of Wholeness

Master the science of quantum manifestation 

Embody the truth of your Divine Soul

The Energetic Body


Become attuned to the wisdom of your heart and soul

Shift your perception on your emotions

Process and integrate stuck emotions, deep wounds, and trauma

Nourish and nurture your inner child

The Emotional Body


Get crystal clear on knowing who YOU are

Clarity and awareness on your mindset and limiting beliefs

Dig in and discover the root of your beliefs

Deepen your innerstanding of the voice of the ego versus the voice of the soul

Get crystal clear on you vision of all the beauty you want to manifest and create 

The Mental Body


Priority number one is reconnecting with and Anchoring into the Body Temple

Heighten and hone your intuition

Deepen your Trust in the whispers and signals before they become cries 

Honoring the body's limits while expanding your perception of its infinite potential


The Physical Body

What You'll Learn 

This is where we dig deep and alchemize the lead into gold. When we learn how to embrace and work with them, our emotions and triggers are actually the keys to our freedom. Our Nervous System also holds so much, so we work more deeply to build and expand our nervous system capacity to receive and hold the higher frequencies aligned with love and abundance. 

Dancing With the Shadows

Module Four

Your thoughts create  your reality. In this module we will dive deep into the limiting beliefs, cognitive distortions, and outdated thought patterns that are keeping you small, stuck, and out of your power. Rising out of victim consciousness is essential in order to liberate yourself from limitation and find abundance, prosperity, and true freedom. 

Free Your Mind

Module Three

The body is our temple, the vessel through which we get to experience this miracle called life. It is how we experience pleasure, joy, love, and connection. And yet, we have become so profoundly disconnected from our bodies. This module provides in-depth wisdom and tools to help you reconnect with the key aspects that impact the health of your physical body. 

Body Power: Connecting With the Body Temple

Module Two

Know Thyself. When you know who you are, underneath all the programmed beliefs and identity labels placed on you from your parents, your culture, your religion, your society, your friends, your bosses, your coworkers.... you become so much more grounded, clear, and confident in your truest, most soul-aligned purpose. You become anchored in your heart, and from that space you are unshakeable. Your purpose doesn't have to be grandiose – it is how you're meant to express love in the world. 

Module One

The Clarity Key of Divinely Aligned Purpose

Course Modules:

Calling back all fragments and aspects of ourself, we integrate and unite dualities and polarities and any sense of separation that exists within. We integrate the masculine and feminine polarities within, both essential to our ultimate expansion and highest expression of our true self. 

Integrating Duality

Module Eight

Rising up as the enlightened warrior, we begin to reclaim our power and dust off our wings. We establish a healthy relationship with boundaries and shift from fear to flow, developing the inner trust that serves to empower us as we move into the next phase of our expansion, preparing to spread out wings and soar. 

Phoenix Rising

Module Seven

This module as far less about Doing than simply Being. Surrendering control and releasing resistance. We often feel as if we aren't 'doing' enough when we allow ourselves to rest and just be, but this being is the key to integration. The deeper work is not easy, and part of that work means allowing ourself to be, remembering that we are worthy just because we are.

Nurture and Surrender into Self-Care

Module Six

The journey spirals us deeper into the heart of darkness where the buried treasure lies. In this module we shift our perspective, take a zoomed out view on the masculine and feminine paths, and begin to integrate the perspectives into a path of integrated wholeness. 

Module Five

The Spiraling Hero's Journey

The journey comes to completion, but this is really just the beginning as we emerge with our wings fully spread, emanating our brilliant light in alignment the highest expressions of humanity. We step into infinite possibilities and activate our diamond light body so that our infinite facets of brilliant diamond light elevate the frequency of humanity and the planet. 

You Are The Diamond: Living in Beauty, Bliss, and Grace

Module Twelve

Here we learn about heart coherence and what it means to live in the heart, embodying more deeply the frequencies of love and harmony, operating from this space more and more as we calibrate ourselves to the heart chakra frequencies and open up the high heart chakra, opening to the waterfall of divine abundance. 

Heart Wisdom
The Source of Abundance

Module Eleven

Embody Your Sacred Heart's Truth as we come into a space of Wholeness, aligned mind body and soul. We learn more deeply about embodying higher frequencies and moving forward as a divine sovereign being, whole and holy.  

Wholeness and Embodied Alignment

Module Ten

As we return to self, we return to love. This is the journey back home to You, to your heart. We dive deeper into worthiness and self compassion, holding ourselves with grace as we move through this journey called life. Our intuition expands, and we deepen our inner trust and our inner compass ad we rise ever higher in love. 

Module Nine

Love Yourself Back to Life

You can have the freedom, the abundance, and full embodiment of your truth in joyful devotion to your highest path 

You CAN overcome all limitation and heal from all forms of trauma

You CAN reach the top of the mountain with absolute joy, ease, and flow

I want to help you get there...

I am a firm believer 

How it workS

As soon as you enroll you'll get instant
access to all content modules, the platform with links for live calls, and the bonuses (Full Program Only)

You'll get access to Weekly Calls

We'll dive in and begin making immediate shifts to
ignite your transformation 

I'm Ready to Shine

Claim your Throne

~A Full Year of Live Weekly calls (3 month option)
~Full access to modules
Plus All Bonuses

Multiple Payment Options Available, up to 12 Month pay plan
(Additional financing options available as well)

Limited time PIF Bonus of 1-1 90 Min Life Inventory + Intuitive Soul Guidance 
Price increasing soon

Monthly Membership

Monthly access
Weekly Mentorship Calls with Open Q&A and coaching
No minimum commitment
$222/ month

Modules A la carte

I'm Ready to Expand

I'm Ready to Expand

I'm Ready to Expand

I'm Ready to Expand

I'm Ready to Expand

I'm Ready to Expand

Modules 8-9
Love yourself back to life



I'm Ready to Expand

Modules 10-12
Path of Love


Insert amazing review here:



Insert amazing review here:



Insert amazing review here:



Insert amazing review here:



"Over the past three months, my journey alongside Amanda has been truly extraordinary. It's remarkable to reflect upon the profound transformation and expansion I've experienced during this time, leaving me overwhelmed with a deep sense of gratitude.

Amanda's mentorship has been a breath of fresh air, completely free from hierarchical constraints. Instead, it has flourished organically, aligning perfectly with my personal growth journey. Her vast reservoir of wisdom, acquired through years of dedicated research and extensive travels, serves as a perpetual wellspring of inspiration and enlightenment. Additionally, her deepest knowings, channeled messages, and intuitions have further enriched my experience. Through working with Amanda, all these abilities have been awakened within me, resulting in significant breakthroughs in uncovering my unique purpose, acknowledging my worthiness, and stepping into my divine power. There is still much work ahead but I have no doubt that she will be graciously by my side me, assisting me through.

What sets Amanda apart is her remarkable ability to lead divinely activating inner journeys. These explorations within the depths of myself have been profoundly transformative and stunningly beautiful. Through her guidance, Amanda not only ignited my creative spirit but also nurtured its expansion beyond my wildest imagination."
~ Alex B, Architect & Visual Artist

"My Journey Has been Truly Extraordinary"