a journey of reclamation

Through the sacred wheel of the year 

Join us on an Inner Voyage to the sanctum of our heart and womb space, the portal of creation as we alchemize our shadows into power and the potency of creation as we Rebirth in the Cauldron of Alchemy and Resurrect with wings of
Gold like the Phoenix

In communion with nature and her elements, we will Journey to Healing Hot Spring Waters and powerful energy points to receive Crystalline Codes of
Sacred ARKansas

As we transition from the Light Half to the Dark Half of the Year Over the Samhain Portal, we will enter into the Mysteries of the Womb, channeling the codes of Avalon and our Black Rose guides, including Hecate, Morgana, Erishkigal, Lilith, Cerridewen, An Cailleach, Mary Magdalene, and Inanna to
Activate the triple flame within – the creation centers that are the Mind, Heart, Womb – and Embody your Inner Light that is your Illuminatrix essence

The Rose as the symbol of the Blossoming Soul will be a guiding presence as we embrace the magick that lies within and allow our creational gifts to blossom into their fullness

Anointed with the crystalline codes of Atlantis through her waters, we will be activated with a deep remembrance of ancient soul truths through the Aurora Code Frequencies

 Embodying the potency of creation energy, we will imagine into reality the Infinite Possibilities that we hold within, Visioning our Dreams and allowing ourselves to
Magick them into Creation

Hosted on Sacred Lands embedded with Crystal energy on a private 10 acre property on a hilltop with a pond, surrounded by trees and imbued with the energy of Sacred Avalon and Atlantis

Click Here for Upcoming Ceremony

The Sacred Year

8 Golden Keys Activations recorded during the Lion's Gate from 8/1 through 8/8 2022, amplifying the energetics of each activation 

8 Modules of Wisdom teachings corresponding to each Gate and the energetics of each Key required to unlock your inner wealth

Bonus Access to the 8 Golden Keys to Abundance, including 8 Wisdom Teachings Modules and 
Bonus Ancient Modern Mystery School Teachings Bridging Science and Spirituality

You will have forever access to the Portal, including all modules, activations, and bonus content

Bonus Meditations, Activations, and content included inside the portal

Access to a growing community of healers, lightworkers, soulpreneurs, and New Earth visionaries   

As well as the Live 8 Golden Keys to Abundance Activation Days August 1-8

Register Here

8 High Holy Day Ceremonies
Plus Bonus Magdalene Embodiment &
8/8 Lion's Gate Activations

Spring Equinox March 20 

Beltane May 1 (5)

Summer Solstice June 21 

Lughnasadh August 1 

Fall Equinox September 22 

Samhain November 1

Winter Solstice December 21 

Imbolc February 1 


Magdalene Day July 22 

Lion's Gate 8/8

The 8 Golden Keys to Abundance is valued at well over $555 alone

In addition to these Live Ceremonies and Activations (recordings will be available for all), you will also receive access to the 8 Golden Keys to Abundance which includes:

Receive a full year of ceremonial space including 16 Live ceremonies and activations, deepening embodiment, activations, upgrades, and intimate connection PLUS the Bonus 8 Golden Keys to Abundance Activations for $555

Upcoming Ceremony: Beltane 
5/5 at 5pm

What a powerful day of convergence! Both Lunar and Solar Beltane fall on the 5/5 portal, in conjunction with the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio – making for an incredibly powerful day!

You are welcome to join in a transformational ceremonial celebration to align with the energies of this day and embody the potency of the sacred fires within, coming into sacred union as signified by the May Queen and the Young Oak King. 

Beltane combines the Celtic words 'Bel' and 'Taine' which translates to Bright Fire. 

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, this a potent opportunity to alchemize your shadows into your power. 

In this Live Ceremony (which will be recorded), we will dive deep into the mythological and elemental wisdom held within the ancient traditions and the astrological energetics weaving the ancient future mystery teachings through time, merging them with our current consciousness so that we can embody the wholeness of who we are through ritual and ceremony within a sacred space. 

Passion, joy, fertility, transformation, and rebirth are the most potent energetic themes of this powerful Beltane portal, amplified by both the 5/5 Portal and Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. 

There has never been a more potent time to release yourself from the hypnosis of illusion, burn away the baggage of the past through the alchemical fires of transmutation, and RISE, like the phoenix from the ashes.

Harness the wisdom and power of this portal day in this energetically curated space, complete with a guided activation and embodiment practice. You will receive a PDF and a playlist as well. 

Energy Exchange $55

register here

Meet Your Guide,
Amanda Kelly

Amanda Sahrai Kelly is a Self-Mastery Catalyst, Intuitive Soul Guide and Priestess of the Rose in service to the path of Love. In 2016, with two psychology degrees and 3 yoga teacher trainings under her belt, she was diagnosed as cancer, and very early on she intuitively knew it was an awakening of some kind, though with limited spiritual inclination until then, she never could have foreseen the path it would lead her down.

Knowing deep down that it was not her time to die but rather her job to heal the family pattern of dying from cancer, she dove deep into every layer of healing as she went through the diagnostic process and throughout her chemo treatment. As soon as treatment was over, she began a Transformational Health Coaching Program, which led to another certification in Positive Psychology and Wellbeing. 

After hitting roadblock after roadblock, she continued to dive deeper on the holistic path, healing the chemo-induced gut issues, adrenal fatigue stage 3 and insomnia due to imbalanced hormones. She dove deeper into trauma and the energetics held within the body, eventually finding herself in an Embodied Ascension training and then on an unexpected Soul Journey that guided her toward the Priestess Path that eventually through a series of spontaneous synchronicities took her to Sacred Sites and Planetary Vortexes around the globe, receiving soul code activations along the way, preparing her for this time of mass transition and Planetary Awakening and Shift in Consciousness. 


The world is crumbling and descending into chaos to strip away the illusions of scarcity and limitation so that we can access the treasure chest buried deep within. 

The world needs embodied leaders holding the frequencies of higher consciousness and bridging the transition through a deep remembrance of our connection to our ancient wisdom as we ascend in consciousness and frequency in a manner that has never before happened.

You are here for a reason.   


Insert amazing review here:



Insert amazing review here:



Insert amazing review here:


Crystal A.

I had such an amazing and profound experience in Amanda’s course. I had a huge release during the duration of the week and felt the energy working through me on so many levels. I’m still processing the experience over a week later. 

I am so grateful for the experience to be transported to ancient lands and receive ancient mystery gifts✨🙏🏻🌹

i had a huge release

Patrick F.
conscious business coach

Amanda's course is amazing. The knowledge and wisdom included in this course is worth the investment alone, but here meditations are magical and what help you embody the new abundance energies in your body. I am to noticing energies unlock in me that I haven’t seen before. They feel like flow. They feel like ease. From taking the 8 Keys, it feels like a new chapter where I get to create a life I love from grace and abundance. Would recommend for anyone that is feeling stuck and like they are energetically blocked to step into their power.

it feels like a new chapter

Soul shares

© This Art Called Life