Juice up your life Last year after I was diagnosed with Lymphoma, I immediately went into research mode and dove into everything I could find when it came to anti-cancer nutrition. Carrot juice came up time and again: there were numerous stories of miraculous recoveries from the simple consumption of carrot juice alone. Resource after […]


Spice up your summer Hey guys, I hope you all had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend! I spent mine celebrating my cousin’s soon-to-be wife’s (so does that make her my future cousin-in-law? ;)) bachelorette on Cape Cod and phew I’m exhausted but feeling so nourished.


Ay yo where’s my queso As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been on a Mexican food kick lately, so I figure no better time than now to post my vegan queso recipes. I made more this week, of course. And seriously this dip is so delicious, people devour it. I brought it to […]


Cinco de Mayo vibes So I’ve been on a total Mexican food kick lately, thanks in part to Cinco de Mayo as well as the shift in weather. Cinco de Mayo kind of signifies a shift in my dietary habits and cravings, and even though the warm weather is still holding out on us up here in the […]


Getting the Gut Back on Track I’ve been working on rebalancing my gut for the past several months, because chemo and six months of antibiotics will do a serious number on gut flora. I’d already been planning on a New Year’s cleanse in January, them BAM!, gut issues hit. For the first time in my […]


The Warm Apple Pie Smoothie Project For my warm apple pie smoothie project, I wanted to find the best way to get the fresh-out of the oven warm apple pie vibe. I figured I could bake the apple, which would work just fine I’m sure. 


My love affair with cupcakes And in this sugar-free chocolate series, we get to my favorite-ever treat: cupcakes! My love affair with cupcakes goes way back. I remember baking them in grade school for my birthday, and I loved when anyone else brought them in; this was back in the day before rampant food allergies ruined […]


The Brownie Project So I obviously needed to include brownies in my week of sugar-free chocolate treats. But the brownie project proved to be a bit stubborn. After a couple close-but-not-quite attempts, I decided to try a different tack and go with a raw bite rendition of the classic chocolate treat.


this art called life

planet earth