High Vibe Thriver Tribe Launch – A Wellness Space for Cancer Thrivers

Exciting news – I have officially launched the High Vibe Thriver Tribe! It’s a place for cancer thrivers to connect over all things wellbeing and ‘life after cancer.’ If you’ve noticed that I’ve been a been rather quiet on all my outlets lately, this is why 😉

I’ve been working a lot behind the scenes on the bigger picture – what my big vision goals are, how I want to run my business, and most importantly, who I want to serve and how I can best serve them. 

There are SO many ideas and projects I am excited to implement over the coming months and years that part of the work has been figuring out where I want to start! 

So I’m going with my gut and am super excited to announce that I’m starting a brand new Facebook group for cancer thrivers: High Vibe Thriver Tribe

High Vibe Thriver Tribe cancer survivor cancer thriver cancer support cancer warrior

The way I see it, well-being itself relates to every area of your life. The aim is to cover topics related to every aspect of wellbeing – mind, body, and soul. My intention for this group is to create a space for cancer thrivers, survivors, and warriors to connect and hopefully find some answers, guidance, and inspiration.

It is intended to help fill a gap I see for cancer thrivers/ survivors/ warriors- navigating life after cancer, or life after treatment; or life after diagnosis; wherever someone is on their journey, cancer causes a massive disruption not just in our health and well-being but in every facet of our lives.

Stress or discord in one area can contribute to our mental, emotional, and even physical health, so it’s crucial to address these pieces, yet the vast majority of us are left with little direction or resources to help us navigate these tricky roads.

I’m coming up on my 3-year anniversaries, and the other weekend marked 2.5 years since I finished treatment, and oh boy there have been many ups and downs and setbacks and detours – far more than I bargained for! It was trying, but it forced me to dig really deep and do the work. There have been so many lessons learned and so much growth – and this is the key. 

Cancer presents us with a level of adversity nobody feels prepared to take on. But it gives us the opportunity to dig deep and learn what we are really made of, the opportunity to find a powerful strength and resilience deep within us. And we have to opportunity to learn so much about ourselves. 

It’s all about post-traumatic growth. Post-traumatic stress disorder is very real. And part of the mess that cancer leaves behind for so many of us. It’s been a piece of my own journey to recovery, which is very much an ongoing process. 

But we can take these difficult experiences and use them as an opportunity to grow – turn the adversity on its head and use it as a launching pad of sorts. Enter post-traumatic growth. 

This is the ultimate intention I have for the space I aim to create with this group. I want it to be a place for open discussions and conversations about all things wellness and personal growth. Mental health, navigating careers after cancer, aka what do I actually want to do with my life, and even clarity about who you are and where you ultimately want to go. 

Cancer forces us to face our mortality and  can wake us up to what’s not really working. But finding the path to what *does* work isn’t always clear or easy, which is why I wanted to create a haven of love and support for all the rockstar warriors out there. 

So I’m thrilled to announce the official opening of the High Vibe Thriver Tribe – a space for all cancer thrivers, survivors, and warriors to come and question, comment, and most of all connect. So please share this with any cancer thrivers you know! As always, I am here to answer any questions you (or they!) may have, so please don’t hesitate to share my contact information. Or you can reach out directly on Facebook!

I intend to to Facebook Live talks on various topics, open discussions on certain topics, answer questions and address concerns to the best of my ability. I am still learning every day and nothing is off the table. 

It’s a space for us to all become curious about what is possible for us – for us to reclaim our bodies, empower our minds, and tap into our soul’s purpose. 

We are powerful beyond measure and I am SO excited for this journey to begin!!

I posted a little welcome video in the group, so please head over to join and I’ll see you rockstar cancer thrivers on the inside 😉

Again, here is the link to join – https://www.facebook.com/groups/highvibethrivertribe/

Thank you for all of your support – let’s get this thing rockin!

Cheers to life,

Amanda xx


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