More Soup for You It’s October and while the days have still been warm, the mornings and evenings are cool and the air has that distinct autumn crisp. I’ve totally been feeling all the fall feels. Pumpkin, squash, soup, and yes, more soup. So today I have for you: Creamy celery soup, vegan, paleo, and […]


Why beet juice: The benefits of beets I’ve never been particularly fond of beets. I think they taste like dirt. But I’m doing a liver cleanse and protocol after protocol calls for beet juice or incorporating beets into your diet in some way shape or form. So I gave them a go, because the health […]


Cool for the Summer: Raw Vegan Creamy Celery Herb Soup Ohhhh yes, this raw vegan creamy celery herb soup recipe is a win! More raw soup. Souper delicious. Souper healthy. Creamy. Refreshing. Bursting with layers of flavor. So I went to the local farmer’s market Saturday morning and loaded up on organic veggies. Forgetting I […]


Cooling soup for the warm weather I love soup, and it just so happens to be a great option for a detox or cleanse, particularly when the weather is a bit nippy. But summer is arguably the ideal time to cleanse your body, and warming soups aren’t typically quite what we crave.


this art called life

planet earth