Seriously, I never thought I’d get excited about a vegetable broth. But this anti-candida vegetable broth is legit delicious! It’s also super easy to make, cleansing, and honestly would just make a great first course! But the point is to help clear out candida. Ok first – What is Candida? There are several strains of […]


Miami Life: Good vibes and Sunshine So I’ve been a little quiet on here lately, because I’ve been gearing up for a major move to Miami! It all happened very quickly and with everything going on I had to put my blog on pause. But wow what a month it has been! I was at […]


Cancer Diagnosis Anniversary April is National Stress Awareness Month. It also happens to be the month I was officially diagnosed with lymphoma. It’s the month I found out I had cancer. Months of stress culminated in a cancer crisis in what apparently is a month dedicated to awareness of how stress impacts our wellbeing. No […]


Going Keto: Learning the Hard Way After being a vegetarian for over eight years followed by a crazy diagnosis, I’ve dabbled with different diets to see what works best for me. I can’t say I’ve tried it ‘all,’ but I’ve certainly been around the block with many of these diets. But I haven’t quite gone […]


Not-So-Springlike Lack of Sunshine Killin My Vibe Happy Spring! Or at least that’s what the calendar tells me I should be saying. Reality: maybe not quite yet. I don’t know what winter’s deal is this year, but it definitely isn’t moving on without a fight. Winter is making sure to get the last word in […]


Raising Awareness and Hope Today is #worldcancerday – a day meant to raise awareness of this silent but deadly disease about which we know so little. Because really – cancer can impact anyone (like me!). And a diagnosis can hit you out of the blue (hi!). I’m lucky – I’m here, and I’m doing great. […]


Dear Universe Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for this day, thank you for this life. Thank you for everything – all of it.  Today is September 27, my one year ‘cancerversary’ of my remission scan – my re-birthday. Which means my second birthday this month! One year in the clear […]


Cheer for life It’s fall, and that means one thing: Football! Ok it also means apple picking and pumpkins and pumpkin spice lattes for the basics. But it always reminds me of my cheerleading days, and lately all sorts of throwbacks have been popping up on Facebook, so I’m getting extra reminders of my cheer […]


Flow and Let Go Today is Day 2 of my #happyme challenge and it just so happens to be Labor day. I couldn’t think of a more appropriate topic than the idea of flow – or being ‘in-the-zone.’ A state of intense focus where time and self-awareness slips away. Imagine engaging in work that feels […]


Meditation and My #HappyMe Challenge September is my favorite month. I am admittedly slightly biased because it just so happens to be my birth month, but I’d still probably prefer it even if I wasn’t lucky enough to have the sapphire as my birthstone. Crisp fall air rolls in. The days are still warm. After […]


this art called life

planet earth