My intuition saved my life, and it’s guided me to so much magic and possibility. During an interview I was asked: What is your greatest Superpower? My immediate response was: My Intuition. Coming up on my six year remission anniversary, it’s high time I dive in to how to Activate Your Intuition – your greatest superpower! […]


I’m constantly learning something new! Yesterday was the opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal meaning more than just a potent time to manifest Abundance. For both the Ancient Egyptians and the Mayans – July 26th was also the start of a New Year, the beginning of a New Cycle of Time Creation, or as they […]


My journey has brought me on so many unexpected twists and turns, but it’s always been leading me closer to the heart of truth. Today, on Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day, it feels appropriate to dive into the subject of the rise of the divine feminine and her rebirth into our collective consciousness. In truth, my […]


this art called life

planet earth