Flow and Let Go Today is Day 2 of my #happyme challenge and it just so happens to be Labor day. I couldn’t think of a more appropriate topic than the idea of flow – or being ‘in-the-zone.’ A state of intense focus where time and self-awareness slips away. Imagine engaging in work that feels […]


Meditation and My #HappyMe Challenge September is my favorite month. I am admittedly slightly biased because it just so happens to be my birth month, but I’d still probably prefer it even if I wasn’t lucky enough to have the sapphire as my birthstone. Crisp fall air rolls in. The days are still warm. After […]


Life after cancer: Young, fancy and free A year ago last Wednesday – August 23rd – was my last day of chemo. The first step on the road back to normalcy. My unofficial return to freedom, to life. To life after cancer. My last day of chemo was a big deal for me. While I […]


Cleanse your system the fun way The words cleanse and detox often cause strong, guarded reactions. The idea of deprivation or consuming bizarre foods you can’t even pronounce is simply not appealing to most. But before you turn and run… truth bomb: you don’t have to suffer on a cleanse! You can have your coffee and […]


Why beet juice: The benefits of beets I’ve never been particularly fond of beets. I think they taste like dirt. But I’m doing a liver cleanse and protocol after protocol calls for beet juice or incorporating beets into your diet in some way shape or form. So I gave them a go, because the health […]


Watermelon is good, and good for you Seriously, what’s more refreshing than watermelon on a hot summer day? In life, I rarely think, I want some watermelon. But then summer rolls around and I take my first bite and I’m like oh yeah, this stuff is amazing! So I get a giant watermelon and find all sorts […]


 Detox Me, Maybe? Juice cleanses. Detox programs. Cleanse supplements and detox teas. These days, these products are ubiquitous in the world of wellness and nutrition. But what’s all the hype about? Why is detoxing beneficial and really – is it? As with all things health and nutrition, there are two camps squarely opposing one another: […]


Cancerversary: Reflecting on a year out This month will mark the one year anniversary of finishing chemo. Tomorrow marks the one year of finishing round 5. When I think back on a year ago, I think about the whirlwind I was in the midst of. And I think how surreal it seems. Like, seriously did […]


Cooling soup for the warm weather I love soup, and it just so happens to be a great option for a detox or cleanse, particularly when the weather is a bit nippy. But summer is arguably the ideal time to cleanse your body, and warming soups aren’t typically quite what we crave.


Pass the Cheese Please… Or not. So one of the things I miss most since I upgraded my diet after diagnosis is cheese. I am not alone. Cheese is one of the foods people miss most when they go dairy-free or vegan. I briefly dabbled with going vegan in the past but cheese was my […]


this art called life

planet earth